Posted by Floralyn Teodoro on Jul 19th 2017

Fukushima Radiation in the Pacific Puts Human Health at Risk

770, 000 tons of highly radioactive water material from the Fukushima plant set to be released in the Pacific Ocean puts human health at great risk.

Fukushima Radiation in the Pacific Puts Human Health at Risk

In March of 2011, a tsunami and a magnitude 9 earthquake struck the northeastern part of Japan which gravely damaged the nuclear power plant in Fukushima Daiichi resulting in the massive meltdown of the plant’s cooling reactors and the buildup of tritium in the water.

According to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) US Department of Energy, the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant has already released 50, 000 trillion Becquerel’s of radiation, and still continues to leak radioactive water material from its reactors.

The fishermen’s plea

When the plan to release the 77, 000 tons of radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean was announced, local fishermen of Fukushima expressed their fury and plea. The fishermen who operate in the waters of the nuclear plant say any release of radioactive material will devastate the industry that’s still trying to recover from the initial Fukushima disaster.

By July 15, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) backed off its tritium-dumping decision after a talk with disaster reconstruction minister Masayoshi Yoshino. Yoshino supports the fishermen’s plea. They were still trying to recover from the Fukushima nuclear incident, and dumping tritium-tainted water to the ocean can only aggravate their struggles and problems.

As a native of Fukushima Prefecture, Yoshino fully understands the sentiment of the locals and the fishermen. At a news conference, he urged those pushing the dumping of tritium into the Pacific Ocean to not create fresh concerns for the fishermen in Fukushima.

The dangers of radiation

According to the studies by TEPCO, an estimate of 530 to 650 Sieverts of radiation per hour is washed into the Pacific Ocean. What’s more alarming is how even one Sievert of radiation can already cause fatal cancer in approximately 5% of people. More than that, even a dose of five Sieverts can kill 50% of people within just a month of exposure to radiation.

Even as little as 0.09 Sieverts that’s accumulated over time can greatly increase the risk of cancer in both adults and children. With the massive amount of the radioactive material washed into the Pacific Ocean daily, human health all over the world is put at great risk. The Pacific Ocean maybe huge, but it’s still no match to the risks of 77, 000 tons of radioactive material.

To date, the Japanese government is still faced with the task of figuring out how to deal with the 580 barrels or 770, 000 tons of highly radioactive tainted water at the Fukushima nuclear facility. More so, no technology has yet been invented to completely fix the problem.

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