Posted by Dr. Roy M. Speiser on Sep 12th 2016

New - Advanced Water Filtration- Introducing the Metalgon Filter

New Advanced Water Filtration Introducing the Metalgon Filter

A recent analysis of government statistics by researchers at the Charity Children with Cancer in England found that the cancer rate in young people is up 40 percent in 16 years. Dr. Denis Henshaw a professor at Bristol University, stated, ”when you look at cancers such as childhood leukemia there is no doubt that environmental factors are playing a big role.”1

For decades toxic waste sites and industries have discharged chemicals and heavy metals that have seeped into our drinking water supplies. Additionally, agricultural runoff of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies dumping drugs into the ground have contributed to hundreds of toxic contaminants permeating our drinking water supply. An ongoing Associated Press investigation regarding pharmaceuticals in drinking water detected 46 different medications in the U.S. drinking water supply. This affects over 41 million people who are drinking water contaminated with small quantities of pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, sex hormones, cleaning solvents, sun screen agents, plus many more pharmaceuticals. Even though they are present in trace amounts, scientists are concerned that ingestion over a period of decades will have significant health consequences, especially on high risk individuals. 2

Many other scientific studies that have documented the negative health impacts of consuming toxic contaminants such as; chlorine and chloramine by-products, fluoride and lead. Chlorine by-products such as THMs are listed as Cancer Group B carcinogens by the EPA.3 Human studies report associations between THMs and bladder and colon cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and low birth weight.4 Flint Michigan was the tip of the iceberg that focused attention on lead which is commonly found in drinking water.

According to a recent National Resource Defense Council study, elevated lead levels have been found in over 5,000 water systems affecting 18 million people in the U.S. Over 3.9 million these people are drinking water containing very high levels of lead, over 15 parts per billion, that is in violation of the Federal Lead Rule.5 Lead is neuro- toxin and millions of children have been drinking water containing lead for years. Chronic lead ingestion can cause loss of memory, elevated blood pressure, reduced fertility and has been determined to be a probable cancer causing agent. 6

Unfortunately, when you turn on your tap what you are really drinking is not clean, healthy water; it’s a blend of toxic contaminants. Combining all the toxic waste that contaminates our drinking water sources plus chemicals that are added at the water treatment plants, including aluminum, chlorine and fluoride, what you are really drinking is a “toxic soup”. In an attempt to drink clean water, millions of consumers are buying filters that are entry level or minimal filters. They just don’t have the capability to remove the whole range of toxic contaminants found in drinking water. At best they are good for smaller amounts of chlorine and lead but they don’t remove fluoride, chloramine, pharmaceuticals, parasites and heavy metals commonly found in drinking water.

Also, they do not last long. Most small filters are only tested for approximately 100 gallons or less of water use. However, an average family consumes two to three gallons of water a day, therefore, these small filters do not supply enough filtered water to last more than a few weeks. What is really needed to combat the “toxic soup” we are consuming are much larger and more powerful filters.

The equipment solution is a new generation of filters called MetalGonTM developed by CWR Environmental. The new MetalGonTM filters are highly effective in removing a wide range of contaminants from drinking water. The filters have been tested to ANSI /NSF standards 42, 53 and 401 that verified the MetalGonTM filter removes 99% of chloramine for up to 700 gallons. Chlorine is removed 99% by the filter for up to 1000 gallons of water. All forms of fluoride are removed 92% for up to 500 gallons. Pharmaceuticals have been tested under the new NSF standard 401 and the MetalGonTM filter reduced greater than 95% of 15 different pharmaceuticals including acetaminophen, progesterone, ibuprofen, common pharmaceuticals found in many water systems. The new MetalGonTM filters are 50-100 times better at reducing toxic contaminants than most filters because of the wide range of contaminants they remove and the large volume of highly filtered water that is produced. A chart listing the full range of contaminants removed by the MetalGonTM filter is attached.

As a Water Quality Specialist and health practitioner for over 35 years, I would highly recommend that you upgrade to the new MetalgonTM filters to protect your health.

Anyone that has a filter already should obtain the new filter with MetalGonTM and use it in your current filter system. If you don’t have a sink filter you should definitely purchase the new AIO ULTRA Ceramic with MetalGonTM filter that is being offered at a Special introductory price.


1. Childrens Cancer and Leukemia Group, July 9, 2016 “Is Modern Life Really Killing Our Children”. Analysis of eleven scientific studies

2. Associated Press Investigation: Pharmaceuticals Found in Drinking Water. March 10, 2008 Jeff Donn et al.

3. USEPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection By Products Rule, Final Rule. Federal Register. 2006; 71:2

4. Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Nefoundland Canada, web site.

5. National Resource Defense Council, June 28, 2016. “What’s in Your Water”, Erik D. Olson 6. U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services (2007) Toxicological profile for lead.